» » Centinex - Discography (1992-2020)
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  • Дата: 26-06-2020, 12:51
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Причина: + 1996 - Malleus Maleficarum [2003, Candlelight, Candle085CD, UK]
26-06-2020, 12:51

Centinex - Discography (1992-2020)

Категория: Музыка


CENTINEX появились в 1990 году, когда классический шведский дэт-метал как раз набирал обороты, и распались в 2005-м, выпустив восемь полноформатных альбомов. В 2014 году они неожиданно возродились и с обновленным составом выпустили успешный камбэк-альбом “Redeeming Filth”. После него продолжение было неизбежно, и для него не потребовалось 10 лет. Альбом “Doomsday Rituals” вышел в 2016 году, после чего группа отыграла серию концертов по Европе и Северной Америке, а затем взялась воплощать свою чисто шведскую брутальность в новом опусе. “Death In Pieces”, третий альбом группы после реюниона , несет в себе мощную дозу олдскульного дэта стокгольмской школы и выводит характерные для группы тяжелые риффы на совершенно новый уровень интенсивности.

1992 - Subconscious Lobotomy [1992, Underground Rec., U.G.R 05, Sweden]
Centinex - Discography (1992-2020)
01. Blood On My Skin (5:33)
02. Shadows Are Astray (3:28)
03. Dreams Of Death (2:47)
04. Orgy In Flesh (5:13)
05. End Of Life (4:31)
06. Bells Of Misery (4:09)
07. Inhuman Dissections Of Souls (4:39)
08. The Aspiration (3:04)
09. Until Death Tear Us Apart (2:03)

1996 - Malleus Maleficarum [2003, Candlelight, Candle085CD, UK]
Centinex - Discography (1992-2020)
01. Upon The Ancient Ground (5:27)
02. Dark Visions (3:46)
03. Sorrow Of The Burning Wasteland (5:13)
04. Transcend The Dark Chaos (4:32)
05. Thorns Of Desolation (3:39)
06. Eternal Lies (3:17)
07. At The Everlasting End (4:50)
08. Cranial Dismemberment (4:44)
09. Only Slices Remains (5:06)
10. Torn Within (3:27)
11. Mutilation (3:44)
12. Ripping Corpse (3:47)

1996 - Malleus Maleficarum [2013, AreaDeath Productions, ADP 064, China]
Centinex - Discography (1992-2020)
01. Upon the Ancient Ground (5:29)
02. Dark Visions (3:48)
03. Sorrow of the Burning Wasteland (5:15)
04. Transcent the Dark Chaos (4:34)
05. Thorns of Desolation (3:41)
06. Eternal Lies (3:19)
07. At the Everlasting End (4:52)
08. Cranial Dismemberment (4:46)
09. The Aspiration (3:15)
10. Fear (3:28)
11. Bells of Misery (2:52)
12. Dreams of Death (2:58)
13. Mutilation (Death cover) (3:44)

1997 - Reflections [Diehard Music Worldwide, RRS 954, Germany]
Centinex - Discography (1992-2020)
01. Carnal Lust (4:54)
02. Seven Prophecies (6:29)
03. Before The Dawn (4:41)
04. The Dimension Beyond (4:39)
05. My Demon Within (4:14)
06. In Pain (5:26)
07. Undivined (3:36)
08. Darkside (4:48)
09. Into The Funeral Domain (6:52)

1998 - Reborn Through Flames [2003, Candlelight, Candle086CD, UK]
Centinex - Discography (1992-2020)
01. Under The Pagan Glory (3:36)
02. For Centuries Untold (2:51)
03. Luciferian Moon (3:51)
04. Bloodhunt (3:44)
05. The Conquest Infernal (3:23)
06. Like Darkened Storms (4:29)
07. Embraced By Moonlight (6:13)
08. Resurrected (4:28)
09. Summon The Golden Twilight (5:45)
10. The Beauty Of Malice (4:21)
11. Under The Guillotine (4:30)
12. Through Celestial Gates (5:22)
13. Molested (3:57)
14. In The Arch Of Serenity (5:47)
15. Shadowland (3:11)
16. Eternal Lies (5:19)

1999 - Bloodhunt [Repulse, RPS 042 MCD, Austria]
Centinex - Discography (1992-2020)
01. Under The Pagan Glory (3:35)
02. For Centuries Untold (2:49)
03. Luciferian Moon (3:50)
04. Bloodhunt (3:43)
05. The Conquest Infernal (3:21)
06. Like Darkened Storms (4:28)

2000 - Hellbrigade [Soundholic, TKCS-85003, Japan]
Centinex - Discography (1992-2020)
01. Towards Devastation (4:30)
02. One With Eternity (3:59)
03. The Eyes of the Dead (4:34)
04. Emperor of Death (4:24)
05. Last Redemption (4:28)
06. Bloodconqueror (4:08)
07. Neverending Hell (4:41)
08. Nightbreeder (4:41)
09. Hellbrigade (3:21)
10. Apocalyptic Armageddon (Bonus Track) (3:25)
11. Seeds of Evil (Bonus Track) (4:35)
12. Everlasting Bloodshed (Bonus Track) (4:01)

2002 - Diabolical Desolation [Candlelight, Candle065CD, EU]
Centinex - Discography (1992-2020)
01. Demonic Warlust (4:20)
02. Forthcoming Terror (3:55)
03. Spawned To Destroy (5:57)
04. Soulcrusher (4:24)
05. Diabolical Desolation (5:20)
06. On Violent Soil (5:09)
07. Total Misanthropia (4:41)
08. The Bloodline (3:53)
09. A War Symphony (5:06)
10. Hellfire Twilight (5:16)

2004 - Decadence - Prophecies Of Cosmic Chaos [Candlelight, CANDLE089CD, UK]
Centinex - Discography (1992-2020)
01. Arrival of the Spectrum Obscure (4:04)
02. Misanthropic Darkzone (4:35)
03. Hollowsphere (4:42)
04. Target: Dimension XII (4:30)
05. Deathstar Unmasked (4:13)
06. A Dynasty of Obedience (2:02)
07. Mechanical Future (5:06)
08. Cold Deep Supremacy (5:07)
09. New World Odyssey (6:07)

2005 - World Declension [CD-Maximum, CDM 0805-2352, Russia]
Centinex - Discography (1992-2020)
01. Victorious Dawn Rising (3:48)
02. Purgatorial Overdrive (3:46)
03. The Destroyer (4:00)
04. As Legions Come (4:48)
05. Sworn (4:43)
06. Synthetic Sin Zero (4:58)
07. Flesh Is Fragile (4:08)
08. Wretched Cut (4:22)
09. Deconstruction Macabre (4:15)

2014 - Redeeming Filth [Agonia Rec., ARCD132, Poland]
Centinex - Discography (1992-2020)
01. When Bodies Are Deformed (2:52)
02. Moist Purple Skin (3:46)
03. Death Glance (2:27)
04. Stone of Choice (3:19)
05. Unrestrained (3:20)
06. Bloodraze (3:25)
07. Without Motives (2:54)
08. Rotting Below (4:39)
09. Dead, Buried and Forgotten (3:12)
10. Eye Sockets Empty (3:18)

2016 - Doomsday Rituals [Agonia Rec., ARCD154, Poland]
Centinex - Discography (1992-2020)
01. Flesh Passion (3:16)
02. From Intact to Broken (2:36)
03. Dismemberment Supreme (3:21)
04. Generation of Flies (3:49)
05. The Shameful Few (3:39)
06. Doomsday (2:10)
07. Exist to Feed (3:18)
08. Death Decay Murder (3:46)
09. Sentenced to Suffer (2:46)
10. Faceless (3:42)

2020 - Death In Pieces [Agonia Rec., ARCD218, Poland]
Centinex - Discography (1992-2020)
01. Only Death Remains (2:49)
02. Derelict Souls (3:58)
03. God Ends Here (2:56)
04. Tomb of the Dead (3:51)
05. Human Torch (2:58)
06. Pieces (2:08)
07. Cauterized (3:09)
08. Beyond the Dark (3:29)
09. Sacrifice (3:38)
10. Skin Turning Grey (3:43)
11. Break You to Debris (2:53)


Метки к статье: Centinex, Death Metal, rutracker, MMT, zvbmxf, ungern, 2020

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  • count 88x31px
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