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Aborted - Discography (1999-2018)

Категория: Музыка


Новый альбом ветеранов бельгийского дэт-грайнда ABORTED "TerrorVision" увидел свет 21 сентября 2018 года на лейбле Century Media. Его обложку нарисовал Pär Olofsson (EXODUS, IMMOLATION, IMMORTAL).
Предыдущие альбомы ABORTED "The Necrotic Manifesto" (2014) и "Retrogore" (2016) уже продемонстрировали, на что способна группа, но "TerrorVision" выводит дэт-метал на новый уровень насыщенности, атмосферы и брутальности. Диск, спродюсированный Kristian "Kohle" Kohlmannslehner в студии Kohlekeller – это не просто новый кусок высококлассного брутал-дэта, это произведение искусства, раздвигающее границы жанра путем сочетания непревзойденной техники исполнения, умелой композиторской работы, четкого, но органичного звука и безжалостной брутальности, не имеющей равных.

1999 - The Purity Of Perversion [Uxicon Records, UX 010 CD, Belgium]
Aborted - Discography (1999-2018)
01. Intro (0:58)
02. Act Of Supremacy (2:43)
03. The Lament Configuration (4:49)
04. The Sanctification Of Fornication (3:22)
05. Organic Puzzle (3:19)
06. Necro-Eroticism (3:58)
07. Highway 1-35 (3:54)
08. Gurgling Rotten Feces (3:43)
09. Wrenched Carnal Ornaments (4:42)

2001 - Engineering The Dead [Listenable Rec., POSH030, UK]
Aborted - Discography (1999-2018)
01. The Holocaust Incarnate (4:20)
02. Nailed Through Her Cunt (4:19)
03. To Roast & Grind (4:41)
04. Engineering The Dead (6:07)
05. Eructations Of Carnal Artistry (3:22)
06. Sphinctral Enthrallment (3:59)
07. Skullfuck Crescendo (4:28)
08. Exhuming The Infested (Necro-Eroticism Part 2) (5:33)

2003 - Goremageddon- The Saw & The Carnage Done [Listenable Rec., POSH045, UK]
Aborted - Discography (1999-2018)
01. Meticulous Invagination (3:02)
02. Parasitic Flesh Resection (2:10)
03. The Saw & The Carnage Done (4:51)
04. Ornaments Of Derision (4:54)
05. Sangune Verses (...Of Extirpation) (2:58)
06. Charted Carnal Effigy (3:31)
07. Clinical Colostomy (3:29)
08. Medical Deviance (3:12)
09. Sea Of Cartilage (3:03)
10. Nemesis (2:58)
11. Carnal Forge [Carcass cover] (4:03)

2004 - The Haematobic EP [Listenable Records, POSH059, France] (No Scans, Only Photo)
Aborted - Discography (1999-2018)
01. Gestated Rabidity (4:13)
02. Drowned (Entombed Cover) (3:47)
03. Voracious Haemoglobinic Syndrome (4:07)
04. The Sanctification of Refornication (3:45)
05. Parasitic Flesh Resection (Live) (2:05)
06. The Holocaust Incarnate (Live) (4:33)

2005 - The Archaic Abattoir [Olympic Recordings, OLY 0245-2, USA]
Aborted - Discography (1999-2018)
01. Dead Wreckoning (3:40)
02. Blood Fixing The Bled (3:04)
03. Gestated Rabidity (4:05)
04. Hecatomb (2:50)
05. The Gangrenous Epitaph (3:25)
06. The Inertia (3:36)
07. A Cold Logistic Slaughter (2:08)
08. Threading On Vermillion Deception (5:15)
09. Voracious Haemoglobinic Syndrome (4:14)
10. Descend To Extirpation (4:06)

2007 - Slaughter And Apparatus [Century Media, 77649-0, Germany]
Aborted - Discography (1999-2018)
01. The Chondrin Enigma (4:20)
02. A Methodical Overture (3:25)
03. Avenious (4:41)
04. The Spaying Seance (4:25)
05. And Carnage Basked Its Ebullience (3:10)
06. The Fool Neclues Of Resurrection (4:13)
07. Archetype (3:12)
08. Ingenuity In Genocide (3:42)
09. Odious Emanation (3:37)
10. Prolific Murder Contrivance (3:07)
11. Underneath Rorulent Soil (4:52)
12. Surprise! You're Dead! (2:15)

2008 - Strychnine.213 [Century Media, 9977902, Germany]
Aborted - Discography (1999-2018)
01. Carrion (1:46)
02. Ophiolatry On A Hemocite Platter (4:52)
03. 135 (3:45)
04. Pestiferous Subterfuge (4:24)
05. The Chyme Congeries (3:46)
06. A Murmur In Decrepit Wits (4:43)
07. Enterrement Of An Idol (3:24)
08. Hereditary Bane (2:49)
09. Avarice Of Vilification (3:35)
10. The Obfuscate (4:09)
11. Slaughtered (3:55)

2010 - Coronary Reconstruction [EP][Century Media, AVE01, Germany] (No Scans)
Aborted - Discography (1999-2018)
01. Coronary Reconstruction (4:27)
02. From a Tepid Whiff (3:24)
03. Grime (3:40)
04. A Cadaverous Dissertation (4:23)
05. Left Hand Path (Entombed Cover) (6:39)

2012 - Global Flatline [Century Media, 9979878, Germany]
Aborted - Discography (1999-2018)
01. Omega Mortis (0:59)
02. Global Flatline (3:12)
03. Источник Болезни (The Origin of Disease) (3:04)
04. Coronary Reconstruction (4:28)
05. Fecal Forgery (2:45)
06. Of Scabs & Boils (2:53)
07. Vermicular, Obscene, Obese (2:51)
08. Expurgation Euphoria (3:43)
09. From a Tepid Whiff (3:04)
10. The Kallinger Theory (3:43)
11. Our Father, Who Art of Feces (2:43)
12. Grime (3:48)
13. Endstille (6:29)
14. Eructations Of Carnal Artistry (3:27)
15. Nailed Through Her Cunt (4:12)

2014 - The Necrotic Manifesto [Century Media, 9984252, Germany]
Aborted - Discography (1999-2018)
01. Six Feet Of Foreplay (1:12)
02. The Extirpation Agenda (3:11)
03. Necrotic Manifesto (2:45)
04. An Enumeration Of Cadavers (3:32)
05. Your Entitlement Means Nothing (1:44)
06. The Davidian Deceit (3:33)
07. Coffin Upon Coffin (3:26)
08. Chronicles Of Detruncation (3:07)
09. Sade & Libertine Lunacy (3:41)
10. Die Verzweiflung (2:29)
11. Excremental Veracity (2:38)
12. Purity Of Perversion (2:44)
13. Of Dead Skin & Decay (3:08)
14. Cenobites (5:28)

2016 - RetroGore + Termination Redux [Century Media, 88985304502 , 2CD, Germany]
Aborted - Discography (1999-2018)
01. Dellamorte Dellamore (0:50)
02. Retrogore (4:18)
03. Cadaverous Banquet (4:13)
04. Whoremageddon (3:30)
05. Termination Redux (3:28)
06. Bit by Bit (4:03)
07. Divine Impediment (4:19)
08. Coven of Ignorance (3:43)
09. The Mephitic Conundrum (3:19)
10. Forged for Decrepitude (2:42)
11. From Beyond (the Grave) (4:23)
12. In Avernus (4:37)
13. Slasher Hysteria (Bonustrack) (3:28)
14. Les Miserables (Bonustrack) (3:57)

01. Liberate Me ex Inferis (0:32)
02. Termination Redux (3:28)
03. Vestal Disfigurement upon the Sacred Chantry (3:46)
04. Bound in Acrimony (2:13)
05. The Holocaust Re-incarnate (5:23)

2018 - TerrorVision [Century Media, 19075850412, EU]
Aborted - Discography (1999-2018)
01. Lasciate Ogne Speranza (0:55)
02. TerrorVision (4:33)
03. Farewell To The Flesh (4:42)
04. Vespertine Decay (6:01)
05. Squalor Opera (4:02)
06. Visceral Despondency (3:32)
07. Deep Red (3:20)
08. Exquisite Covinous Drama (5:02)
09. Altro Inferno (4:50)
10. A Whore D'oeuvre Macabre (3:02)
11. The Final Absolution (5:10)
12. Bathos (4:20)
13. Fallacious Crescendo (3:44)


Метки к статье: Aborted, Death Metal, kikel, rutracker, MMT, 2018

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29 сентября 2018 10:13

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заменил 2007 - Slaughter And Apparatus [Century Media, 77649-0, Germany]
на рип с "тест и копи" и полным комплектом сканов


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