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Jungle Rot - Discography (1995-2018)

Категория: Музыка


Jungle Rot — американская дэт-метал-группа из Кеноши, США. Она была образована в 1994 году и после записи двух демок заключили контракт с независимым лейблом Pure Death Records. В 1996 году Jungle Rot выпустили свой первый альбом, Skin the Living. Впоследствии, несмотря на частые переходы между лейблами, группа регулярно записывала последующие альбомы, порой даже выпуская их своими силами (Warzone, 2006). В 2009 году был подписан контракт с Napalm Records, за которым последовал альбом What Horrors Await. После этого Jungle Rot снова сменили лейбл, теперь они работают с Victory Records

1995 - Skin The Living [2013, Victory Records, VR690, USA]
Jungle Rot - Discography (1995-2018)
01. Demon Souls (3:05)
02. Destruction And Misery (2:25)
03. Eternal Agony (2:27)
04. Killing Spree (4:05)
05. Rotten Bodies (1:17)
06. Black Candle Mass (2:28)
07. Awaiting The End (1:49)
08. Tomb Of Armenus (2:43)
09. Decapitated (1:44)
10. Screaming For Life (2:51)

1997 - Slaughter The Weak [1999, Pavement Music, 76962-32281-2, Germany]
Jungle Rot - Discography (1995-2018)
01. Left For Dead (3:55)
02. Gore Bag (3:51)
03. Infectious (2:48)
04. Demigorgon (2:08)
05. Consumed In Darkness (3:33)
06. Murder One (2:14)
07. Butchering Death (3:21)
08. World Of Hate (3:33)
09. Deadly Force (1:37)
10. Darkness Foretold (Bonustrack) (6:37)

1998 - Darkness Foretold [EP][SOD Records, USA]
Jungle Rot - Discography (1995-2018)
01. Agent Orange [Sodom cover] (6:02)
02. Fight 'Til Death [Slayer cover] (3:38)
03. Jesus Hitler [Carnivore cover] (4:35)
04. Darkness Foretold (4:13)
05. Tomb Of Armenous (2:30)
06. Eternal Agony (2:29)
07. Consumed In Darkness (3:43)

2001 - Dead And Buried [2005, Coyote Rec., COY 10-05, Russia]
Jungle Rot - Discography (1995-2018)
01. Intro (0:41)
02. Immersed In Pain (2:34)
03. Virus (2:33)
04. Misplaced Anger (3:32)
05. Humans Shall Pay (3:16)
06. Strangulation Mutilation (4:15)
07. Red Skies (3:23)
08. The Killing Machine (2:44)
09. Dead And Buried (4:27)
10. Psychotic Cremation (1:26)
11. Afterlife (3:10)
12. Circle Of Death / Jungle Rot (3:30)
13. Another Fix (2:11)

2004 - Fueled By Hate [2005, Coyote Rec., COY 11-05, Russia]
Jungle Rot - Discography (1995-2018)
01. Intro (0:53)
02. Face Down (3:42)
03. Let Them Die (2:28)
04. Fractured (3:09)
05. Gain Control (2:11)
06. Gasping For Air (2:43)
07. Low Life (3:06)
08. Scars Of The Suffering (1:11)
09. Symbols Of Hate (3:03)
10. No Surrender (2:20)
11. Habit Fulfilled (2:41)
12. More Demon Souls (2:49)

2006 - War Zone [Digital Album]
Jungle Rot - Discography (1995-2018)
01. Victims Of Violence (2:44)
02. Cut In Two (2:10)
03. Savage Rite (2:52)
04. They Gave Their Lives (2:42)
05. Strong Shall Survive (3:11)
06. Decapitated (1:48)
07. Ready For War (3:48)
08. Ambushed (3:25)
09. Fight For Life (3:21)
10. Territoriality (2:09)
11. Killing Spree (3:56)

2009 - What Horrors Await [Napalm Rec., NPR 282, Germany]
Jungle Rot - Discography (1995-2018)
01. Worst Case Scenario (4:04)
02. The Unstoppable (2:52)
03. Straightjacket Life (3:02)
04. State of War (3:14)
05. Two Faced Disgrace (3:01)
06. End of an Age (2:38)
07. Speak the Truth (1:36)
08. What Horrors Await (2:46)
09. Nerve Gas Catastrophe (2:28)
10. Braindead (3:47)
11. Atrocity (2:43)
12. Exit Wounds (2:19)
13. Invincible Force [Destruction cover] (4:16)
14. Black Candle Mass (2:24)

2011 - Kill On Command [Victory Records, VR644, USA]
Jungle Rot - Discography (1995-2018)
01. Their Finest Hour (5:25)
02. Bloodties (3:54)
03. Rise Up And Revolt (3:52)
04. Kill On Command (3:22)
05. Demoralized (3:15)
06. Push Comes To Shove (3:12)
07. I Predict A Riot (2:51)
08. No Mercy (From The Merciless) (3:24)
09. Born Of Contagion (4:04)
10. Life Negated (2:37)

2013 - Terror Regime [Victory Records, VR678, USA]
Jungle Rot - Discography (1995-2018)
01. Voice Your Disgust (3:03)
02. Terror Regime (3:55)
03. Utter Chaos (2:50)
04. I am Hatred (3:43)
05. Blind Devotion (3:22)
06. Scorn (3:55)
07. Rage Through the Wasteland (3:17)
08. Ruthless Omnipotence (3:12)
09. I Don't Need Society [D.R.I. cover] (1:40)
10. Carpet Bombing (1:14)
11. Pronounced Dead (4:28)

2015 - Order Shall Prevail [Victory Records, VR728, USA] No Scans, Only Photo
Jungle Rot - Discography (1995-2018)
01. Doomsday (3:58)
02. Paralyzed Prey (3:50)
03. Blood Revenge (3:05)
04. Fight Where You Stand (4:13)
05. Order Shall Prevail (4:33)
06. The Dread Pestilence (3:46)
07. I Cast The First Stone (2:50)
08. E.F.K. (2:24)
09. Trench Tactics (3:47)
10. Nuclear Superiority (4:07)

2018 - Jungle Rot [Victory Records, VR759, USA]
Jungle Rot - Discography (1995-2018)
01. Send Forth Oblivion (3:32)
02. Delusional Denial (4:25)
03. A Burning Cinder (4:10)
04. Triggered (4:05)
05. Fearmonger (3:29)
06. Stay Dead (4:07)
07. Glory For The Fallen (4:43)
08. Pumped Full Of Lead (2:24)
09. Twisted Mind (3:25)
10. Terrible Certainty (4:32)


Метки к статье: Jungle Rot, kabanych, zvbmxf, 2018

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