Когда хочешь послушать дарк-метал, совсем не ожидаешь услышать танцевальные мотивы. Свежий релиз немецкой группы Nachtblut смешал так много всего, что его тяжело отнести к чему-то более-менее конкретному. Их новый альбом Apostasie некоторые рецензенты называют смесью Rammstein и Finntroll. 01. Multikulturell (5:50)02. Lied fuer die Goetter (3:59)03. Amok (3:42)04. Scheinfromm (3:37)05. Geboren um zu leben (4:29)06. Der Tod ist meine Nutte (3:51)07. Mein Antlitz aschfahl vor Gram (4:08)08. Frauenausbeiner (5:10)09. Einsam (feat. Aeva Maurelle) (5:56)10. Apostasie (5:10)11. Wat is' denn los mit dir (feat. Tetzel) (Bonus Track) (3:36)01. Des kleinen Herzens letzter Schlag (3:47)02. Lied fuer die Goetter (Griechische Version) (3:59)03. Apostasie (Instrumental) (5:09)04. Einsam (Instrumental) (5:56)05. Lied fuer die Goetter (Instrumental) (4:00)
Exact Audio Copy V1.1 from 23. June 2015
EAC extraction logfile from 12. October 2017, 12:35
Nachtblut / Apostasie
Used drive : ATAPI DVD A DH16ABSH Adapter: 2 ID: 0
Read mode : Secure Utilize accurate stream : Yes Defeat audio cache : Yes Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6 Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes Used interface : Installed external ASPI interface
Used output format : User Defined Encoder Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s Quality : High Add ID3 tag : No Command line compressor : C:\Program Files (x86)\Exact Audio Copy\FLAC\FLAC.EXE Additional command line options : -6 -V -T "ARTIST=%artist%" -T "TITLE=%title%" -T "ALBUM=%albumtitle%" -T "DATE=%year%" -T "TRACKNUMBER=%tracknr%" -T "GENRE=%genre%" -T "COMMENT=%comment%" -T "BAND=%albuminterpret%" -T "ALBUMARTIST=%albuminterpret%" -T "COMPOSER=%composer%" %haslyrics%--tag-from-file=LYRICS="%lyricsfile%"%haslyrics% -T "DISCNUMBER=%cdnumber%" -T "TOTALDISCS=%totalcds%" -T "TOTALTRACKS=%numtracks%" %hascover%--picture="%coverfile%"%hascover% %source% -o %dest%
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector --------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 0:00.00 | 5:50.23 | 0 | 26272 2 | 5:50.23 | 3:58.68 | 26273 | 44190 3 | 9:49.16 | 3:41.38 | 44191 | 60803 4 | 13:30.54 | 3:37.29 | 60804 | 77107 5 | 17:08.08 | 4:28.60 | 77108 | 97267 6 | 21:36.68 | 3:51.37 | 97268 | 114629 7 | 25:28.30 | 4:08.25 | 114630 | 133254 8 | 29:36.55 | 5:10.09 | 133255 | 156513 9 | 34:46.64 | 5:56.25 | 156514 | 183238 10 | 40:43.14 | 5:09.49 | 183239 | 206462 11 | 45:52.63 | 3:36.13 | 206463 | 222675
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename E:\toydollsru\Nachtblut - Apostasie.wav
Peak level 99.3 % Extraction speed 8.1 X Range quality 100.0 % Test CRC C0437149 Copy CRC C0437149 Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary Track 1 not present in database Track 2 not present in database Track 3 not present in database Track 4 not present in database Track 5 not present in database Track 6 not present in database Track 7 not present in database Track 8 not present in database Track 9 not present in database Track 10 not present in database Track 11 not present in database None of the tracks are present in the AccurateRip database
End of status report
---- CUETools DB Plugin V2.1.6
[CTDB TOCID: _T9hRbLzElGsXrVT3MSaQW.92mU-] disk not present in database Submit result: _T9hRbLzElGsXrVT3MSaQW.92mU- has been uploaded
==== Log checksum 67B4C2BF03A5CC0ED528C4612CCAFE4680766C171B48C5B109AEF33EB5611C2E ====
Exact Audio Copy V1.1 from 23. June 2015
EAC extraction logfile from 31. October 2017, 1:12
Nachtblut / Apostasie (Bonus CD)
Used drive : ATAPI DVD A DH16ABSH Adapter: 2 ID: 0
Read mode : Secure Utilize accurate stream : Yes Defeat audio cache : Yes Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6 Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes Used interface : Installed external ASPI interface
Used output format : User Defined Encoder Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s Quality : High Add ID3 tag : No Command line compressor : C:\Program Files (x86)\Exact Audio Copy\FLAC\FLAC.EXE Additional command line options : -V -8 -T "Date=%year%" -T "Genre=%genre%" %source%
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector --------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 0:00.00 | 3:46.73 | 0 | 17022 2 | 3:46.73 | 3:59.25 | 17023 | 34972 3 | 7:46.23 | 5:09.08 | 34973 | 58155 4 | 12:55.31 | 5:56.03 | 58156 | 84858 5 | 18:51.34 | 3:59.41 | 84859 | 102824
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename E:\toydollsru\Nachtblut - Apostasie (Bonus CD).wav
Peak level 99.3 % Extraction speed 2.4 X Range quality 100.0 % Test CRC 2DE421C9 Copy CRC 2DE421C9 Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary Track 1 not present in database Track 2 not present in database Track 3 not present in database Track 4 not present in database Track 5 not present in database None of the tracks are present in the AccurateRip database
End of status report
---- CUETools DB Plugin V2.1.6
[CTDB TOCID: gY8aeLl3z5dYoGp.UKwLmKeojks-] found Submit result: already submitted Track | CTDB Status 1 | (2/2) Accurately ripped 2 | (2/2) Accurately ripped 3 | (2/2) Accurately ripped 4 | (2/2) Accurately ripped 5 | (2/2) Accurately ripped
==== Log checksum DB6A12912EFA184B99DCC7284E71EB420F533337E007F8A6EF9D91EB2186501C ====
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