YADLord of the Lost — основанная в 2007 году немецкая готик-индастриал-метал-группа из Гамбурга, идеологом которой является вокалист Крис Хармс.
В феврале 2010 года был выпущен дебютный альбом «Fears», который получил положительные отзывы в музыкальной прессе.
За ним в апреле 2011 года последовал концептуальный альбом «Antagony», в котором заметен прогресс группы на поприще постановки звука, в который добавилось множество разнообразных элементов. Назвав релиз шедевром, интернет-магазин Sonic Seducer помещает Lord Of The Lost на обложку своего журнала.
3 августа 2018 года группа выпустила свой 6-й студийный альбом Thornstar. Альбом Thornstar занял 6 место в официальном чарте Германии и пять недель подряд занимал 1 место в Deutsche Alternative Charts
Новый альбом, получивший название "Swan Songs III" увидел свет 7 августа 2020 года на лейбле Napalm Records. Стандартная версия "Swan Songs III" состоит как из свежих песен, так и из совершенно новых версий специально подобранных классических, полюбившихся всем композиций команды.2010 - Fears [Out Of Line, OUT 399, Germany]
01. Last Words
(4:13)02. Break Your Heart
(3:34)03. Dry The Rain
(3:19)04. My Deepest Fear
(3:15)05. The Measure Of All Things
(3:24)06. Till Death Us Do Part
(3:13)07. Prologue
(3:39)08. Never Forgive
(2:57)09. To Die For
(3:18)10. Vicious Circle
(3:21)11. Not From This World
(6:14)12. Nothing Words Can Say
(5:23)13. Sooner Or Later
Exact Audio Copy V0.99 prebeta 5 from 4. May 2009
Отчёт EAC об извлечении, выполненном 3. августа 2011, 17:23
Lord Of The Lost / Fears
Дисковод: _NEC DVD_RW ND-3520A Adapter: 0 ID: 1
Режим чтения : Достоверность
Использование точного потока : Да
Отключение кэша аудио : Да
Использование указателей C2 : Нет
Коррекция смещения при чтении : 48
Способность читать области Lead-in и Lead-out : Нет
Заполнение пропущенных сэмплов тишиной : Да
Удаление блоков с тишиной в начале и конце : Нет
При вычислениях CRC использовались нулевые сэмплы : Да
Интерфейс : Установленный внешний ASPI-интерфейс
Выходной формат : Пользовательский кодировщик
Выбранный битрейт : 1024 kBit/s
Качество : Высокий
Добавление ID3-тэга : Нет
Утилита сжатия : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy\flac.exe
Дополнительные параметры : -6 -V -T "ARTIST=%a" -T "TITLE=%t" -T "ALBUM=%g" -T "DATE=%y" -T "TRACKNUMBER=%n" -T "GENRE=%m" -T "COMMENT=%e" %s -o
TOC извлечённого CD
Трек | Старт | Длительность | Начальный сектор | Конечный сектор
1 | 0:00.00 | 4:13.28 | 0 | 19002
2 | 4:13.28 | 3:34.30 | 19003 | 35082
3 | 7:47.58 | 3:19.30 | 35083 | 50037
4 | 11:07.13 | 3:15.17 | 50038 | 64679
5 | 14:22.30 | 3:23.52 | 64680 | 79956
6 | 17:46.07 | 3:12.67 | 79957 | 94423
7 | 20:58.74 | 3:39.22 | 94424 | 110870
8 | 24:38.21 | 2:56.69 | 110871 | 124139
9 | 27:35.15 | 3:17.72 | 124140 | 138986
10 | 30:53.12 | 3:20.50 | 138987 | 154036
11 | 34:13.62 | 6:13.63 | 154037 | 182074
12 | 40:27.50 | 5:22.42 | 182075 | 206266
13 | 45:50.17 | 12:49.26 | 206267 | 263967
Характеристики диапазона извлечения и сообщения об ошибках
Выбранный диапазон
Имя файла O:\На трекер\Lord Of The Lost - Fears.wav
Пиковый уровень 100.0 %
Качество диапазона 99.9 %
CRC теста D3CB25D7
CRC копии D3CB25D7
Копирование... OK
Ошибок не произошло
AccurateRip: сводка
Трек 1 нет в базе данных
Трек 2 нет в базе данных
Трек 3 нет в базе данных
Трек 4 нет в базе данных
Трек 5 нет в базе данных
Трек 6 нет в базе данных
Трек 7 нет в базе данных
Трек 8 нет в базе данных
Трек 9 нет в базе данных
Трек 10 нет в базе данных
Трек 11 нет в базе данных
Трек 12 нет в базе данных
Трек 13 нет в базе данных
Ни одного трека нет в базе AccurateRip
Конец отчёта
2011 - Antagony [Out Of Line, OUT 475, Germany]
01. Preludium: About Love, Death & The Devil
(3:52)02. We Are The Lost
(5:06)03. Sex On Legs
(3:16)04. Fragmenting Facade
(4:13)05. Prison
(3:26)06. Epiphany
(3:54)07. Love Is Not Enough
(3:50)08. Antagony (The Truth Is Written Between The Lines)
(4:43)09. From The Cradle To The Grave
(3:50)10. Undead Or Alive
(3:57)11. Son Of The Dawn
(4:08)12. Inferior
(4:14)13. Seven Days Of Anavrin
(4:56)14. Revelation
(10:55)15. Reprise: Sober
Exact Audio Copy V0.99 prebeta 5 from 4. May 2009
Отчёт EAC об извлечении, выполненном 3. августа 2011, 17:56
Lord Of The Lost / Antagony
Дисковод: _NEC DVD_RW ND-3520A Adapter: 0 ID: 1
Режим чтения : Достоверность
Использование точного потока : Да
Отключение кэша аудио : Да
Использование указателей C2 : Нет
Коррекция смещения при чтении : 48
Способность читать области Lead-in и Lead-out : Нет
Заполнение пропущенных сэмплов тишиной : Да
Удаление блоков с тишиной в начале и конце : Нет
При вычислениях CRC использовались нулевые сэмплы : Да
Интерфейс : Установленный внешний ASPI-интерфейс
Выходной формат : Пользовательский кодировщик
Выбранный битрейт : 1024 kBit/s
Качество : Высокий
Добавление ID3-тэга : Нет
Утилита сжатия : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy\flac.exe
Дополнительные параметры : -6 -V -T "ARTIST=%a" -T "TITLE=%t" -T "ALBUM=%g" -T "DATE=%y" -T "TRACKNUMBER=%n" -T "GENRE=%m" -T "COMMENT=%e" %s -o
TOC извлечённого CD
Трек | Старт | Длительность | Начальный сектор | Конечный сектор
1 | 0:00.00 | 3:52.13 | 0 | 17412
2 | 3:52.13 | 5:05.52 | 17413 | 40339
3 | 8:57.65 | 3:16.28 | 40340 | 55067
4 | 12:14.18 | 4:12.47 | 55068 | 74014
5 | 16:26.65 | 3:26.08 | 74015 | 89472
6 | 19:52.73 | 3:54.29 | 89473 | 107051
7 | 23:47.27 | 3:49.38 | 107052 | 124264
8 | 27:36.65 | 4:43.12 | 124265 | 145501
9 | 32:20.02 | 3:50.01 | 145502 | 162752
10 | 36:10.03 | 3:56.60 | 162753 | 180512
11 | 40:06.63 | 4:07.73 | 180513 | 199110
12 | 44:14.61 | 4:13.68 | 199111 | 218153
13 | 48:28.54 | 4:56.09 | 218154 | 240362
14 | 53:24.63 | 10:55.06 | 240363 | 289493
15 | 64:19.69 | 3:56.33 | 289494 | 307226
Характеристики диапазона извлечения и сообщения об ошибках
Выбранный диапазон
Имя файла O:\На трекер\Lord Of The Lost - Antagony.wav
Пиковый уровень 100.0 %
Качество диапазона 99.9 %
CRC теста E8BBDD53
CRC копии E8BBDD53
Копирование... OK
Ошибок не произошло
AccurateRip: сводка
Трек 1 точность не определена (достоверность 2) [14A43C9B], AccurateRip вернул [192A66A8]
Трек 2 точность не определена (достоверность 2) [ACBCC3F1], AccurateRip вернул [6EFA2BA6]
Трек 3 точность не определена (достоверность 2) [9211B261], AccurateRip вернул [419AA53C]
Трек 4 точность не определена (достоверность 2) [E0214E41], AccurateRip вернул [E07262B9]
Трек 5 точность не определена (достоверность 2) [2933D0F1], AccurateRip вернул [EB9ACF0B]
Трек 6 точность не определена (достоверность 2) [39BD0893], AccurateRip вернул [8474E8C5]
Трек 7 точность не определена (достоверность 2) [F5E54562], AccurateRip вернул [03BD7DA5]
Трек 8 точность не определена (достоверность 2) [314F52D8], AccurateRip вернул [5B556CC4]
Трек 9 точность не определена (достоверность 2) [5A8271A0], AccurateRip вернул [CA3208B5]
Трек 10 точность не определена (достоверность 2) [B2C4E273], AccurateRip вернул [1029546E]
Трек 11 точность не определена (достоверность 2) [3922C30E], AccurateRip вернул [C50C8AEE]
Трек 12 точность не определена (достоверность 2) [3FE267C8], AccurateRip вернул [4B582267]
Трек 13 точность не определена (достоверность 2) [519AA6E0], AccurateRip вернул [C77A0C00]
Трек 14 точность не определена (достоверность 2) [88208507], AccurateRip вернул [0C327C97]
Трек 15 точность не определена (достоверность 2) [1EBC6468], AccurateRip вернул [9C884E7C]
Ни один трек не прошёл проверки на точность
В вашей базе может быть иной вариант штамповки диска
Конец отчёта
2012 - Beside & Beyond [EP][Out Of Line, OUT 530, Germany]
01. Beyond Beautiful
(4:00)02. Bad Romance
(4:30)03. Dry the Rain (acoustic version)
(4:02)04. October 29
(3:07)05. Love Is Not Enough (piano version)
(3:47)06. Sooner or Later (stage version)
(4:08)07. Dry the Rain feat. Mono Inc. (orchestra version)
Exact Audio Copy V1.5 from 20. February 2020
EAC extraction logfile from 24. August 2020, 8:57
Lord Of The Lost / Beside & Beyond
Used drive : BTC BDV Adapter: 1 ID: 0
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 0
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Installed external ASPI interface
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files (x86)\Exact Audio Copy\FLAC\FLAC.EXE
Additional command line options : -V -8 -T "Date=%year%" -T "Genre=%genre%" -T"COMMENT=CDRip for me-4u.com" -8 -V %source%
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 3:59.44 | 0 | 17968
2 | 3:59.44 | 4:29.56 | 17969 | 38199
3 | 8:29.25 | 4:02.09 | 38200 | 56358
4 | 12:31.34 | 3:07.21 | 56359 | 70404
5 | 15:38.55 | 3:46.45 | 70405 | 87399
6 | 19:25.25 | 4:07.46 | 87400 | 105970
7 | 23:32.71 | 3:17.31 | 105971 | 120776
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename C:\CDRip by virtualdrive\Lord Of The Lost - Beside & Beyond.wav
Peak level 97.9 %
Extraction speed 30.9 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Copy CRC 0ED1C2B5
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 10) [CD1CFBE0] (AR v2)
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 10) [62CEE270] (AR v2)
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 10) [EC01B52F] (AR v2)
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 10) [265769F5] (AR v2)
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 10) [F6DE4BE1] (AR v2)
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 10) [BB04577F] (AR v2)
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 10) [871FF654] (AR v2)
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
---- CUETools DB Plugin V2.1.6
[CTDB TOCID: Q_v.GY5wqdbtjDBTNHJRt6fos4c-] found
Submit result: Q_v.GY5wqdbtjDBTNHJRt6fos4c- has been confirmed
Track | CTDB Status
1 | (15/15) Accurately ripped
2 | (15/15) Accurately ripped
3 | (15/15) Accurately ripped
4 | (15/15) Accurately ripped
5 | (15/15) Accurately ripped
6 | (15/15) Accurately ripped
7 | (15/15) Accurately ripped
==== Log checksum F3BDEC1895C20C5DCBAD4A6A15B51C7D59813ADCF2AD52A65ECEDFE76E1C9DC0 ====
2012 - Die Tomorrow [EP][Out Of Line, OUT 567, Germany]
01. Die Tomorrow
(3:07)02. Take The Pain Away
(3:26)03. The Most Radical Thing To Do
(4:09)04. Die Tomorrow (Staubkind Remix)
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 3 from 29. August 2011
EAC extraction logfile from 9. March 2014, 14:32
Lord Of The Lost / Die Tomorrow EP
Used drive : HP DVD Writer 1170d Adapter: 2 ID: 0
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy\FLAC\FLAC.EXE
Additional command line options : -V -8 -T "Date=%year%" -T "Genre=%genre%" -T"COMMENT=Ripped by Ungern666" -8 -V %source%
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 3:06.43 | 0 | 13992
2 | 3:06.43 | 3:25.59 | 13993 | 29426
3 | 6:32.27 | 4:08.54 | 29427 | 48080
4 | 10:41.06 | 3:25.51 | 48081 | 63506
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename C:\EAC\Ungern666\Lord Of The Lost - Die Tomorrow EP.wav
Peak level 98.5 %
Extraction speed 4.0 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 not present in database
Track 2 not present in database
Track 3 not present in database
Track 4 not present in database
None of the tracks are present in the AccurateRip database
End of status report
---- CUETools DB Plugin V2.1.5
[CTDB TOCID: By2aRzKFxbn6v60z3WHSLG5ta_o-] database access error: Die Verbindung mit dem Remoteserver kann nicht hergestellt werden.
==== Log checksum 83D76B506727FF08FBF6E9E127ED2CD07400E398DA3B58CABDFBE73BBAA84CAF ====
2013 - We Give Our Hearts -Live Auf St. Pauli [Out Of Line, OUT 620~1, 2CD, Germany]
01. Shut Up When You're Talking To Me
(5:29)02. Heart For Sale
(3:32)03. Sex On Legs
(3:10)04. Undead Or Alive
(3:28)05. Prologue
(4:07)06. Black Lolita
(3:34)07. Marching Into Sunset
(4:16)08. Prison
(3:50)09. Break Your Heart
(5:27)10. Dry The Rain
(4:08)11. Blood For Blood
(4:47)12. Die Tomorrow
(3:23)13. Credo
(4:42)01. Credo
(4:26)02. Zillah
(3:35)03. Love In A Time Of War
(6:23)04. Liberty In Death (Feat Nina Jiers Of Neopera)
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 3 from 29. August 2011
EAC extraction logfile from 13. September 2013, 13:30
Lord Of The Lost / We Give Our Hearts CD 1 Live Auf St. Pauli
Used drive : HP DVD Writer 1170d Adapter: 2 ID: 0
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy\FLAC\FLAC.EXE
Additional command line options : -V -8 -T "Date=%year%" -T "Genre=%genre%" -T"COMMENT=Ripped by Ungern666" -8 -V %source%
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 5:28.71 | 0 | 24670
2 | 5:28.71 | 3:31.42 | 24671 | 40537
3 | 9:00.38 | 3:10.00 | 40538 | 54787
4 | 12:10.38 | 3:27.69 | 54788 | 70381
5 | 15:38.32 | 4:07.27 | 70382 | 88933
6 | 19:45.59 | 3:34.27 | 88934 | 105010
7 | 23:20.11 | 4:16.07 | 105011 | 124217
8 | 27:36.18 | 3:49.62 | 124218 | 141454
9 | 31:26.05 | 5:26.57 | 141455 | 165961
10 | 36:52.62 | 4:08.25 | 165962 | 184586
11 | 41:01.12 | 4:46.49 | 184587 | 206085
12 | 45:47.61 | 3:22.53 | 206086 | 221288
13 | 49:10.39 | 4:41.58 | 221289 | 242421
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename C:\EAC\Ungern666\Lord Of The Lost - We Give Our Hearts CD 1 Live Auf St. Pauli.wav
Peak level 98.8 %
Extraction speed 5.1 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC 6A046E8A
Copy CRC 6A046E8A
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 not present in database
Track 2 not present in database
Track 3 not present in database
Track 4 not present in database
Track 5 not present in database
Track 6 not present in database
Track 7 not present in database
Track 8 not present in database
Track 9 not present in database
Track 10 not present in database
Track 11 not present in database
Track 12 not present in database
Track 13 not present in database
None of the tracks are present in the AccurateRip database
End of status report
---- CUETools DB Plugin V2.1.5
[CTDB TOCID: _YeHlPlFrVdwnq_ZrBTRPlbQhbc-] found
Submit result: _YeHlPlFrVdwnq_ZrBTRPlbQhbc- has been confirmed
Track | CTDB Status
1 | (1/1) Accurately ripped
2 | (1/1) Accurately ripped
3 | (1/1) Accurately ripped
4 | (1/1) Accurately ripped
5 | (1/1) Accurately ripped
6 | (1/1) Accurately ripped
7 | (1/1) Accurately ripped
8 | (1/1) Accurately ripped
9 | (1/1) Accurately ripped
10 | (1/1) Accurately ripped
11 | (1/1) Accurately ripped
12 | (1/1) Accurately ripped
13 | (1/1) Accurately ripped
==== Log checksum E3EE5E186267E3C20B9C39C72E9A67D153B336B3C533936C8A13D9DE44241246 ====
2014 - Afterlife [Digital EP]
01. Afterlife
(3:26)02. Afterlife (Piano Version)
(3:28)03. Afterlife Of Death (Remix by Unzucht)
(2:56)04. This War
(3:33)05. Morsal
[CUETools log; Date: 27.08.2020 21:38:04; Version: 2.1.6]
Padded some input files to a frame boundary.
[CTDB TOCID: AoI9Tqsy6aIYENjNjxz5NuyjAIU-] disk not present in database.
[AccurateRip ID: 0003919e-0010c7f1-31045105] disk not present in database.
Track Peak [ CRC32 ] [W/O NULL]
-- 97,7 [35777FC5] [02E3FE14]
01 95,7 [CC1A39D4] [FB8CCC06]
02 90,4 [0CC06790] [AECAFD5A]
03 97,7 [C2315051] [A3A509F2]
04 97,4 [5C9F477A] [7621C780]
05 97,6 [CE0018B1] [34C6A547]
2014 - From The Flame Into The Fire [Out Of Line, OUT 674~5, 2CD, Germany]
01. Fists Up In The Air
(3:33)02. Kingdom Come
(3:35)03. La Bomba
(4:03)04. Afterlife
(3:25)05. Kill It With Fire
(3:47)06. Six Feet Underground
(4:39)07. Go To Hell
(3:59)08. Odium
(3:53)09. My Own Shadow
(3:54)10. Bitch
(4:01)11. I'll Sleep When You're Dead (Feat.Douglas Blair Of W.A.S.P.)
(4:44)12. Holy F (Feat. Nina Jiers Of Neopera)
(4:15)13. In A Perfect World
(4:41)14. I.D.G.A.F. [Bonus Track - Hidden]
(3:12)15. When You're Asleep [Bonus Track - Hidden]
(3:54)16. La Bomba (Remixed'By Blutengel) [Bonus Track - Hidden]
(4:02)17. La-Tin Bomba (Official Not Exactly Very Dark Remix) [Bonus Track - Hidden]
(3:44)18. One Day Everything Will Be Okay [Bonus Track - Hidden]
(4:16)19. Dry The Rain '2014 [Bonus Track - Hidden]
(3:42)20. Credo (Karaoke Version) [Bonus Track - Hidden]
(4:24)01. See You Soon (Svbway To Sally Remix)
(3:53)02. Kill It With Fire (Rabia Sorda Version But Kill It Good)
(4:08)03. Eure Siege (Ost & Front Version)
(3:28)04. Heart For Sale (Darkhaus Remix)
(3:42)05. Die Tomorrow (Remix'By Letzte Iinstanz)
(3:55)06. Blood For Blood (A Life Divided Club Remix)
(4:42)07. Sex On Legs (Formalin Club MIX)
(3:08)08. Prologue (Mental Breakdown Remix)
(4:50)09. I'll Sleep When You're Dead (Massiv In Mensch Remix)
(5:10)10. Nothing Words Can Say (Noodlz Remix)
(4:34)11. My Heart Is Black (The Law Remix)
(4:36)12. Break Your Heart (Stahlmann Rebuild MIX)
(3:48)13. Do You Wanna Die Without A Scar (Hell Boulevard Version)
(3:07)14. My Own Shadow (Latexxx Teens Version)
(3:55)15. Blood For Blood (Ein Walzer Fuer Klarinette & Pianoforte)
(3:07)16. Die Tomorrow (Swing Tomorrow Version'By Rocksin)
(3:22)17. Sex On Legs (Hotel Lounge Version)
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 4 from 7. December 2014
EAC Auslese-Logdatei vom 2. Februar 2015, 12:09
Lord Of The Lost / From The Flame Into The Fire [CD1]
Benutztes Laufwerk : _NEC DVD_RW ND-3550A Adapter: 1 ID: 0
Lesemodus : Sicher
Benutze Accurate Stream : Ja
Audio Puffer abgeschaltet : Ja
Benutze C2 Fehlerinformationen : Nein
Leseoffset Korrektur : 48
Überlesen in das Lead-In und Lead-Out : Nein
Fülle fehlende Offsetsample mit Stille auf : Ja
Lösche führende und nachfolgende stille Blöcke : Nein
Null Samples gehen in CRC Berechnungen ein : Ja
Benutzte Schnittstelle : Natürliche Win32 Schnittstelle für Win NT/2000/XP
Benutztes Ausgabeformat : Interne WAV Routinen
Sampleformat : 44.100 Hz; 16 Bit; Stereo
TOC der ausgelesenen CD
Track | Start | Länge | Startsektor | Endsektor
1 | 0:00.00 | 3:32.51 | 0 | 15950
2 | 3:32.51 | 3:34.65 | 15951 | 32065
3 | 7:07.41 | 4:03.34 | 32066 | 50324
4 | 11:11.00 | 3:24.51 | 50325 | 65675
5 | 14:35.51 | 3:47.02 | 65676 | 82702
6 | 18:22.53 | 4:39.17 | 82703 | 103644
7 | 23:01.70 | 3:59.22 | 103645 | 121591
8 | 27:01.17 | 3:53.00 | 121592 | 139066
9 | 30:54.17 | 3:54.34 | 139067 | 156650
10 | 34:48.51 | 4:00.42 | 156651 | 174692
11 | 38:49.18 | 4:43.67 | 174693 | 195984
12 | 43:33.10 | 4:14.65 | 195985 | 215099
13 | 47:48.00 | 4:41.37 | 215100 | 236211
14 | 52:29.37 | 3:12.26 | 236212 | 250637
15 | 55:41.63 | 3:54.11 | 250638 | 268198
16 | 59:35.74 | 4:01.71 | 268199 | 286344
17 | 63:37.70 | 3:43.62 | 286345 | 303131
18 | 67:21.57 | 4:15.38 | 303132 | 322294
19 | 71:37.20 | 3:42.33 | 322295 | 338977
20 | 75:19.53 | 4:24.15 | 338978 | 358792
Bereichsstatus und Fehler
Gewählter Bereich
Dateiname E:\lordofthelost'14\Lord Of The Lost - From The Flame Into The Fire [CD1].wav
Spitzenpegel 99.0 %
Auslesegeschwindigkeit 8.3 X
Bereichsqualität 100.0 %
Kopie CRC BEFAC078
Kopie OK
Keine Fehler aufgetreten
Ende des Statusreports
---- CUETools DB Plugin V2.1.4
[CTDB TOCID: nq76YBXBFbwKDJ.vxSViFc9fwh8-] found
Submit result: already submitted
Track | CTDB Status
1 | (1/1) Accurately ripped
2 | (1/1) Accurately ripped
3 | (1/1) Accurately ripped
4 | (1/1) Accurately ripped
5 | (1/1) Accurately ripped
6 | (1/1) Accurately ripped
7 | (1/1) Accurately ripped
8 | (1/1) Accurately ripped
9 | (1/1) Accurately ripped
10 | (1/1) Accurately ripped
11 | (1/1) Accurately ripped
12 | (1/1) Accurately ripped
13 | (1/1) Accurately ripped
14 | (1/1) Accurately ripped
15 | (1/1) Accurately ripped
16 | (1/1) Accurately ripped
17 | (1/1) Accurately ripped
18 | (1/1) Accurately ripped
19 | (1/1) Accurately ripped
20 | (1/1) Accurately ripped
==== Report Prüfsumme 85D0A9D5B7401087D90D3995C70E1E209ABFAAE612D2EBE4AAE778DAA3A94D21 ====
2014 - La Bomba [EP][Out Of Line, OUT 673, Germany]
01. La Bomba
(4:05)02. La Bomba (Remixed By Blutengel)
(4:02)03. I.D.G.A.F.
(3:12)04. When You're Asleep
(3:54)05. La(Tin) Bomba (Official Not Exactly Very Dark Remix)
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 3 from 29. August 2011
EAC extraction logfile from 4. June 2014, 19:47
Lord Of The Lost / La Bomba EP
Used drive : HP DVD Writer 1170d Adapter: 0 ID: 0
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 768 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files (x86)\Exact Audio Copy\FLAC\FLAC.EXE
Additional command line options : -V -8 -T "Date=%year%" -T "Genre=%genre%" -T"COMMENT=Ripped by Ungern666" -8 -V %source%
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 4:04.74 | 0 | 18373
2 | 4:04.74 | 4:01.69 | 18374 | 36517
3 | 8:06.68 | 3:12.28 | 36518 | 50945
4 | 11:19.21 | 3:54.10 | 50946 | 68505
5 | 15:13.31 | 3:42.03 | 68506 | 85158
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename C:\EAC\Ungern666\Lord Of The Lost - La Bomba EP.wav
Peak level 97.7 %
Extraction speed 5.6 X
Range quality 99.9 %
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [84CD264D] (AR v2)
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [C95DB7A9] (AR v2)
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [71F0FE3B] (AR v2)
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [789451A6] (AR v2)
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [FA7659E7] (AR v2)
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum 6E6EB0BBC772EBCD29A471C7AF17FF4152809A2B79A2E3B82950CF185E4698E9 ====
2014 - MMXIV [EP][Sonic Seducer, Germany]
01. One Day Everything Will Be Okay
(4:15)02. Dry The Rain 2014
(3:43)03. Credo (Karaoke Version)
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 3 from 29. August 2011
EAC extraction logfile from 26. April 2014, 14:02
Lord Of The Lost / MMXIV EP
Used drive : HP DVD Writer 1170d Adapter: 0 ID: 0
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 768 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files (x86)\Exact Audio Copy\FLAC\FLAC.EXE
Additional command line options : -V -8 -T "Date=%year%" -T "Genre=%genre%" -T"COMMENT=Ripped by Ungern666" -8 -V %source%
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 4:15.32 | 0 | 19156
2 | 4:15.32 | 3:42.38 | 19157 | 35844
3 | 7:57.70 | 4:22.19 | 35845 | 55513
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename C:\EAC\Ungern666\Lord Of The Lost - MMXIV EP.wav
Peak level 97.7 %
Extraction speed 5.2 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC 3F50ABE1
Copy CRC 3F50ABE1
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 not present in database
Track 2 not present in database
Track 3 not present in database
None of the tracks are present in the AccurateRip database
End of status report
==== Log checksum 018E6C84718644455D20A6FB673FB9314BD0D12B9B35A57A91DA8C49123D013F ====
2014 - Six Feet Underground [Digital EP]
01. Six Feet Underground
(4:39)02. Six Feet Underground (CHROM Remix)
(4:07)03. 666 Feet Underground (Remix by Death Valley High)
(3:33)04. Trisma
(3:42)05. Built to Break
[CUETools log; Date: 27.08.2020 21:38:20; Version: 2.1.6]
[CTDB TOCID: _QngXmWwOxyv26HN987FBZhiHp4-] disk not present in database.
[AccurateRip ID: 00043ebc-00139761-3a04b205] disk not present in database.
Track Peak [ CRC32 ] [W/O NULL]
-- 96,9 [FA14618A] [0770525F]
01 96,9 [1E2ED342] [09AF8A1E]
02 96,5 [97630ECD] [FC9BF85C]
03 96,7 [C770AC09] [5416F3DD]
04 96,8 [7AAEC362] [D7EF49DE]
05 96,7 [6449722A] [E5CEEDE6]
2015 - Full Metal Whore [Digital EP]
01. Full Metal Whore
(4:04)02. Love & Hate
(4:08)03. Born In Slavery
(4:20)04. Pretty Dead Dead Boy
(3:23)05. We're All Created Evil
(4:38)06. Gespensterhure (Full Metal Whore - Eden Weint Im Grab Version)
(3:42)07. Full Metal Whore (Dope Stars Inc. Remix)
(4:15)08. Full Metal Whore (Noize Corp Remix)
(5:13)09. Full Metal Whore (Darkflower Dancefloor Remix)
[CUETools log; Date: 24.08.2020 8:51:43; Version: 2.1.6]
[CTDB TOCID: 1gNMDMaTTRNdOoBc.lOh0Tppf5I-] disk not present in database.
[AccurateRip ID: 000cb6e6-005d783a-7308c409] found.
Track [ CRC | V2 ] Status
01 [5467ce02|a42077c3] (0+0/1) No match
02 [9d9d030a|59a59e67] (0+0/1) No match
03 [d4ecb265|b299dfea] (0+0/1) No match
04 [5e59dd8e|437536ef] (0+0/1) No match
05 [8c5ffc6d|2782c305] (0+0/1) No match
06 [0032acb6|8a579653] (0+0/0) No match
07 [b28763dd|64abed55] (0+0/0) No match
08 [8c2ec12b|09ede7de] (0+0/0) No match
09 [3b3cb2e1|2076f6f7] (0+0/0) No match
Offsetted by 6:
01 [a32cceaa] (0/1) No match (V2 was not tested)
02 [ccc68342] (0/1) No match (V2 was not tested)
03 [b8661e5b] (0/1) No match (V2 was not tested)
04 [5bf194c2] (0/1) No match (V2 was not tested)
05 [d17d7033] (0/1) No match (V2 was not tested)
06 [2a0b4954] (0/0) No match
07 [9b6d5b87] (0/0) No match
08 [eefcbb5d] (0/0) No match
09 [9d0c314d] (0/0) No match
Track Peak [ CRC32 ] [W/O NULL]
-- 99,9 [EF2C6921] [B1771160]
01 98,8 [DC220614] [AD8EC3D4]
02 98,8 [344F3389] [519C6024]
03 98,8 [7A39CC1C] [CA4EAE65]
04 98,8 [7E213C1D] [6064A206]
05 98,8 [0CC8AF8F] [534B66B7]
06 98,8 [79CA2D80] [4AF40640]
07 98,8 [DB6AD684] [4C6EA8B5]
08 99,9 [2D6766F5] [39F2386D]
09 99,9 [8AFA82B4] [EE744F14]
2015 - Prelude To The Lost (Acoustic Version Live in Hamburg) [Digital Album]
01. Prelude to the Lost (Acoustic Version Live in Hamburg)
(1:26)02. Lost in a Heartbeat (Acoustic Version Live in Hamburg)
(5:08)03. Prison (Acoustic Version Live in Hamburg)
(4:01)04. Till Death Us Do Part (Acoustic Version Live in Hamburg)
(3:24)05. Porcelain (Acoustic Version Live in Hamburg)
(5:10)06. This Life Divided (Acoustic Version Live in Hamburg)
(3:53)07. Go to Hell (Acoustic Version Live in Hamburg)
(4:24)08. So Good It Hurts (Acoustic Version Live in Hamburg)
(4:25)09. See You Soon (Acoustic Version Live in Hamburg)
(4:56)10. Afterlife (Acoustic Version Live in Hamburg)
(3:52)11. Annabel Lee (Acoustic Version Live in Hamburg)
(3:16)12. Somewhere (Acoustic Version Live in Hamburg)
(3:38)13. Beyond Beautiful (Acoustic Version Live in Hamburg)
(4:47)14. The Sands of Time (Acoustic Version Live in Hamburg)
(4:05)15. Love in a Time of War (Acoustic Version Live in Hamburg)
(6:28)16. October 29 (Acoustic Version Live in Hamburg)
(3:48)17. Antagony (The Truth Is Written Between the Lines) (Acoustic Version Live in Hamburg)
(5:30)18. Dry the Rain (Acoustic Version Live in Hamburg)
(3:50)19. Sober (Acoustic Version Live in Hamburg)
(5:24)20. If Johnny Cash Was Here (Acoustic Version Live in Hamburg)
(4:08)21. Six Feet Underground (Acoustic Version Live in Hamburg)
(8:37)22. Credo (Acoustic Version Live in Hamburg)
[CUETools log; Date: 27.08.2020 21:39:36; Version: 2.1.6]
[CTDB TOCID: 3xav2GorjRqQUWt8UUpEiKlwqUY-] disk not present in database.
[AccurateRip ID: 004810ec-0496c72c-4f172216] disk not present in database.
Track Peak [ CRC32 ] [W/O NULL]
-- 100,0 [3282387F] [63A9A1C1]
01 52,8 [377EACFA] [9EE9E114]
02 100,0 [45A6CF12] [5470EA93]
03 100,0 [B4241266] [4F49E715]
04 100,0 [D40B0BE5] [47249CF1]
05 100,0 [192D61FA] [1E324B2C]
06 99,8 [148C4ADE] [C1CE49D5]
07 100,0 [B4AEF9D7] [0F7D1A07]
08 100,0 [EFB629EE] [4CE65A48]
09 100,0 [7DB23962] [15D44406]
10 99,9 [B80944F5] [6312529C]
11 100,0 [16FEA322] [9FB88F84]
12 98,7 [71709112] [6E2E9B6C]
13 99,9 [9CC6E08E] [3454F684]
14 100,0 [97EAD467] [3911A492]
15 100,0 [61FBD4F2] [53DBB675]
16 99,7 [0D2043D9] [8D0E6388]
17 100,0 [AF92B20E] [02DDEAD9]
18 100,0 [8597B966] [08B261BB]
19 98,8 [C7F04791] [1DF4B304]
20 94,8 [8642E6BE] [DDA38A5D]
21 100,0 [5F01FB4D] [6B795B62]
22 100,0 [857949EC] [FE65FBA7]
2015 - Swan Songs [2 Digital Albums]
01. Six Feet Underground (Swan Songs Version)
(4:53)02. Dry the Rain (Swan Songs Version)
(3:41)03. Beyond Beautiful (Swan Songs Version)
(4:36)04. See You Soon (Swan Songs Version)
(4:51)05. Go to Hell (Swan Songs Version)
(4:15)06. Antagony (Swan Songs Version)
(5:17)07. Love in a Time of War (Swan Songs Version)
(6:25)08. October 29 (Swan Songs Version)
(3:32)09. Prison (Swan Songs Version)
(4:01)10. Till Death Us Do Part (Swan Songs Version)
(3:17)11. Afterlife (Swan Songs Version)
(3:48)12. Sober (Swan Songs Version)
(4:48)13. Credo (Swan Songs Version)
(4:17)01. Porcelain
(5:05)02. Lost in a Heartbeat
(5:00)03. Annabel Lee
(3:10)04. So Good It Hurts
(4:16)05. This Life Divided
(3:50)06. The Sands of Time
(3:58)07. If Johnny Cash Was Here
(4:04)08. Somewhere
[CUETools log; Date: 24.08.2020 8:25:21; Version: 2.1.6]
[CTDB TOCID: 6OSfGiwwN.415YJE8WJzlKrxbK4-] disk not present in database.
[AccurateRip ID: 001c4a31-011a0dd6-ae0d860d] disk not present in database.
Track Peak [ CRC32 ] [W/O NULL]
-- 99,4 [18E8BB86] [1291FE6E]
01 99,4 [EEE0A040] [27F4A92C]
02 99,4 [62A3AB83] [775CBC97]
03 99,4 [88A54322] [8A3C5F50]
04 99,4 [ED16E1A7] [4F985576]
05 99,4 [C079402A] [9D27C8C9]
06 99,4 [65D15DAC] [176C7C5D]
07 99,4 [5D2CADCA] [FC94F7B0]
08 99,4 [D81C0B36] [7155E4B2]
09 99,4 [D4C598F7] [E7107E23]
10 99,4 [9FCCAE6C] [EE95C67C]
11 99,4 [6F7F3681] [4AAD2288]
12 99,4 [4285C62A] [1493FA2D]
13 99,4 [DE912470] [A261BB81]
2015 - Swan Symphonies [Digital Album]
01. Six Feet Underground (Swan Symphonies Version)
(4:53)02. Dry the Rain (Swan Symphonies Version)
(3:40)03. Beyond Beautiful (Swan Symphonies Version)
(4:36)04. See You Soon (Swan Symphonies Version)
(4:51)05. Go to Hell (Swan Symphonies Version)
(4:15)06. Antagony (Swan Symphonies Version)
(5:15)07. Love in a Time of War (Swan Symphonies Version)
(6:25)08. October 29 (Swan Symphonies Version)
(3:32)09. Prison (Swan Symphonies Version)
(4:02)10. Till Death Us Do Part (Swan Symphonies Version)
(3:18)11. Afterlife (Swan Symphonies Version)
(3:48)12. Sober (Swan Symphonies Version)
(4:48)13. Credo (Swan Symphonies Version)
(4:18)14. Porcelain (Swan Symphonies Version)
(5:05)15. Lost in a Heartbeat (Swan Symphonies Version)
(5:00)16. Annabel Lee (Swan Symphonies Version)
(3:10)17. So Good It Hurts (Swan Symphonies Version)
(4:16)18. This Life Divided (Swan Symphonies Version)
(3:50)19. The Sands of Time (Swan Symphonies Version)
(3:58)20. If Johnny Cash Was Here (Swan Symphonies Version)
(4:05)21. Somewhere (Swan Symphonies Version)
[CUETools log; Date: 27.08.2020 21:40:48; Version: 2.1.6]
[CTDB TOCID: o_7IEQk_FJG2zVmjp5_H_4PrYco-] disk not present in database.
[AccurateRip ID: 00469b76-04348d01-4b154315] disk not present in database.
Track Peak [ CRC32 ] [W/O NULL]
-- 99,4 [A83ABA0D] [BAA88CC7]
01 99,4 [2D77AECB] [DC1FCBC0]
02 99,4 [A4C1816D] [40E70349]
03 99,4 [9BC296D6] [D5C801BA]
04 99,4 [F59A3434] [2823283B]
05 99,4 [9B262846] [13793270]
06 99,4 [C291AE69] [F8D8AA27]
07 99,4 [D8A104BA] [8EC95136]
08 99,4 [5D6A6103] [F2BA8784]
09 99,4 [5BC1756A] [3038429C]
10 99,4 [5D22C785] [C613578D]
11 99,4 [2429BC3F] [0540491B]
12 99,2 [3A092869] [A0735A06]
13 99,4 [B61EF6C4] [B156D9D3]
14 99,4 [586DD7DC] [CF9E7C9E]
15 99,4 [53719178] [87D73620]
16 99,4 [1F1D57EA] [A832A346]
17 99,4 [250F5047] [76EDCDA2]
18 99,4 [A9F9E1FC] [13BFDC92]
19 99,4 [D3A90CC9] [0ACD33FD]
20 96,8 [DA1204D4] [3D6BBECC]
21 97,0 [C37A36C0] [71CD0F18]
2016 - Empyrean + The Final Chapter Of Mankind [Out Of Line, OUT 823~4, 2CD, Germany]
01. Miss Machine
(3:50)02. Drag Me to Hell
(3:57)03. The Love of God
(3:55)04. Raining Stars
(4:05)05. In Silence
(3:45)06. Black Oxide (feat. Scarlet Dorn)
(3:31)07. Interstellar Wars
(4:47)08. Doomsday Disco
(5:25)09. Death Penalty
(4:07)10. No Gods, No War
(3:43)11. The Interplay of Life and Death
(5:39)12. Utopya
(3:51)13. Where Is All the Love
(4:25)01. Adonai
(8:33)02. Lament for the Condemned
(6:06)03. Now We Are the Aliens
(4:03)04. Lost in Oblivion
(4:33)05. Traveller's Wounds
(5:40)06. Wishing on a Scar
Exact Audio Copy V1.1 from 23. June 2015
EAC extraction logfile from 31. August 2016, 18:06
Lord Of The Lost / Empyrean (OUT823)
Used drive : PIONEER BD-RW BDR-209D Adapter: 0 ID: 5
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 667
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Installed external ASPI interface
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 768 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files (x86)\Exact Audio Copy\FLAC\FLAC.EXE
Additional command line options : -6 -V -T "ARTIST=%artist%" -T "TITLE=%title%" -T "ALBUM=%albumtitle%" -T "DATE=%year%" -T "TRACKNUMBER=%tracknr
%" -T "GENRE=%genre%" -T "COMMENT=%comment%" -T "BAND=%albuminterpret%" -T "ALBUMARTIST=%albuminterpret%" -T "COMPOSER=%composer%" %haslyrics%--
tag-from-file=LYRICS="%lyricsfile%"%haslyrics% -T "DISCNUMBER=%cdnumber%" -T "TOTALDISCS=%totalcds%" -T "TOTALTRACKS=%numtracks%" %hascover%--
picture="%coverfile%"%hascover% %source% -o %dest%
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 3:50.16 | 0 | 17265
2 | 3:50.16 | 3:57.23 | 17266 | 35063
3 | 7:47.39 | 3:54.71 | 35064 | 52684
4 | 11:42.35 | 4:05.35 | 52685 | 71094
5 | 15:47.70 | 3:45.16 | 71095 | 87985
6 | 19:33.11 | 3:30.40 | 87986 | 103775
7 | 23:03.51 | 4:46.63 | 103776 | 125288
8 | 27:50.39 | 5:24.62 | 125289 | 149650
9 | 33:15.26 | 4:06.59 | 149651 | 168159
10 | 37:22.10 | 3:42.43 | 168160 | 184852
11 | 41:04.53 | 5:39.28 | 184853 | 210305
12 | 46:44.06 | 3:51.16 | 210306 | 227646
13 | 50:35.22 | 4:24.51 | 227647 | 247497
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename E:\MUSIC\Lord Of The Lost - Empyrean (OUT823).wav
Peak level 98.9 %
Extraction speed 7.7 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 not present in database
Track 2 not present in database
Track 3 not present in database
Track 4 not present in database
Track 5 not present in database
Track 6 not present in database
Track 7 not present in database
Track 8 not present in database
Track 9 not present in database
Track 10 not present in database
Track 11 not present in database
Track 12 not present in database
Track 13 not present in database
None of the tracks are present in the AccurateRip database
End of status report
==== Log checksum 870216E10C7DFD28DF6BEC130B5CED527792DD0817049734298F87885798E23D ====
2016 - The Love Of God [Digital EP]
01. The Love of God
(3:54)02. The Love of God (Piano Per Version)
(3:41)03. The Love of God (Tobias Mertens Ego Version)
(3:56)04. Another Sunny Day in Paradise
(3:54)05. Blut für Blut (Erdling Version)
[CUETools log; Date: 27.08.2020 21:41:05; Version: 2.1.6]
[CTDB TOCID: rNiPQHTYCmsnS0F9xqWD6mgyNfw-] disk not present in database.
[AccurateRip ID: 00040618-0012dd3d-4104b905] disk not present in database.
Track Peak [ CRC32 ] [W/O NULL]
-- 100,0 [A15A97EF] [47682522]
01 99,5 [39BB43A9] [6C675D2A]
02 98,9 [E6672851] [E75B22F5]
03 99,9 [562B045F] [B8194B21]
04 100,0 [CB8DDBEA] [BE487414]
05 99,5 [8D0A085D] [BA049E5E]
2017 - Swan Songs II [3 Digital Bonus Works Editions]

СD1 - Swan Songs II (II Version)
01. Raining Stars (Swan Songs II Version)
(6:09)02. Fists up in the Air (Swan Songs II Version)
(3:32)03. Utopya (Swan Songs II Version)
(3:57)04. Drag Me to Hell (Swan Songs II Version)
(3:52)05. The Measure of All Things (Swan Songs II Version)
(3:59)06. Full Metal Ball (Full Metal Whore - Polished, Polite & Pc)
(5:34)07. The Love of God (Swan Songs II Version)
(4:02)08. Not from This World (Swan Songs II Version)
(6:30)СD2 - Swan Songs II (Swan Symphonies II Version)
01. Waiting for You to Die (Swan Symphonies II Version)
(4:04)02. Lighthouse (Swan Symphonies II Version)
(4:16)03. The Broken Ones (Swan Symphonies II Version)
(5:08)04. My Better Me (Swan Symphonies II Version)
(3:41)05. Ribcages (Swan Symphonies II Version)
(4:08)06. Wander in Sable (Swan Symphonies II Version)
(3:56)07. The Devil You Know (Swan Symphonies II Version)
(4:08)08. We Were Divine (Swan Symphonies II Version)
(3:55)09. From the Brink of the Other World (Swan Symphonies II Version)
(6:47)10. Fall Asleep (Swan Symphonies II Version)
(3:30)СD3 - Swan Songs II (Swan Symphonies II Version)
01. Raining Stars (Swan Symphonies II Version)
(6:09)02. Fists up in the Air (Swan Symphonies II Version)
(3:32)03. Utopya (Swan Symphonies II Version)
(3:57)04. Drag Me to Hell (Swan Symphonies II Version)
(3:52)05. The Measure of All Things (Swan Symphonies II Version)
(3:59)06. Full Metal Ball (Full Metal Whore - Polished, Polite & Pc) (Swan Symphonies II Version)
(5:34)07. The Love of God (Swan Symphonies II Version)
(4:02)08. Not from This World (Swan Symphonies II Version)
[CUETools log; Date: 27.08.2020 21:41:35; Version: 2.1.6]
Padded some input files to a frame boundary.
[CTDB TOCID: au0vYOPz1CCmdjN18DH8m3yj9uM-] disk not present in database.
[AccurateRip ID: 000b479e-004ac905-6108d008] disk not present in database.
Track Peak [ CRC32 ] [W/O NULL]
-- 98,2 [563C8962] [BD984E4B]
01 97,9 [DDF971F6] [16E5F07E]
02 98,1 [0E06E0E7] [821B0EC7]
03 98,0 [2B8753CE] [EF7B9CBE]
04 98,0 [4B373CF8] [8C1EBC98]
05 97,9 [33BF6868] [EF42BCC4]
06 98,2 [9ED641B6] [D3414C62]
07 98,1 [C4EB508D] [D2318CE8]
08 97,9 [1A6EAD9C] [B194627E]
2017 - Swan Songs II [Digital Album]
01. Waiting For You To Die
(4:04)02. Lighthouse
(4:16)03. The Broken Ones
(5:08)04. My Better Me
(3:41)05. Ribcages
(4:08)06. Wander In Sable
(3:56)07. The Devil You Know
(4:08)08. We Were Divine
(3:55)09. From The Brink Of The Other World
(6:47)10. Fall Asleep
[CUETools log; Date: 24.08.2020 8:26:24; Version: 2.1.6]
Padded some input files to a frame boundary.
[CTDB TOCID: 8v8_TfLwVpf3vwmVUABFcr1k1EY-] disk not present in database.
[AccurateRip ID: 00102ff2-0081d9ca-7f0a350a] disk not present in database.
Track Peak [ CRC32 ] [W/O NULL]
-- 85,3 [A81D63CB] [F2A19BDB]
01 85,2 [58F0188F] [2BB96873]
02 85,3 [4885BC0D] [6DA26E83]
03 85,3 [31980C8B] [ACD4286B]
04 85,2 [7AB4E968] [296313C9]
05 85,2 [9A1D4562] [CC2F53BF]
06 85,2 [104D82A2] [DB961CC9]
07 85,3 [FF58629B] [FE6BBD1A]
08 85,1 [B87FAE0C] [8BE8FA3F]
09 85,1 [605BD02B] [D7A09462]
10 85,2 [C9ED2E10] [CEB5C1EC]
2018 - Thornstar [4 Digital Albums]
01. On This Rock I Will Build My Church
(4:36)02. Loreley
(3:41)03. Black Halo
(4:26)04. In Our Hands
(4:10)05. Morgana
(3:45)06. Haythor
(4:47)07. Naxxar
(4:40)08. Cut Me Out
(5:31)09. The Mortarian
(4:32)10. Under the Sun
(4:52)11. In Darkness, in Light
(4:55)12. Forevermore
(4:21)13. Ruins
(5:59)01. Abracadabra (feat. Dero Goi / OOMPH!)
(3:46)02. Voodoo Doll
(4:07)03. The Art of Love
(5:00)04. Lily of the Vale
(3:59)05. Penta
(3:53)06. Free Radicals
(3:33)07. Live Pray Die Repeat
(4:41)Thornstar (Instrumental Version)
01. On This Rock I Will Build My Church (Instrumental Version)
(4:35)02. Loreley (Instrumental Version)
(3:40)03. Black Halo (Instrumental Version)
(4:24)04. In our Hands (Instrumental Version)
(4:09)05. Morgana (Instrumental Version)
(3:46)06. Haythor (Instrumental Version)
(4:45)07. Naxxar (Instrumental Version)
(4:22)08. Cut Me Out (Instrumental Version)
(5:25)09. The Mortarian (Instrumental Version)
(4:35)10. Under The Sun (Instrumental Version)
(4:51)11. In Darkness, In Light (Instrumental Version)
(4:54)12. Forevermore (Instrumental Version)
(4:19)13. Ruins (Instrumental Version)
(5:57)Thornstar (Naked Version)
01. Morgana (Naked Version)
(3:46)02. Haythor (Naked Version)
(3:45)03. Voodoo Doll (Naked Version)
(3:56)04. Forevermore (Naked Version)
(3:55)05. Black Halo (Naked Version)
(3:46)06. In Our Hands (Naked Version)
(4:09)07. Loreley (Naked Version)
(3:18)08. The Mortarian (Naked Version)
(3:54)09. In Darkness, In Light (Naked Version)
(4:22)10. Cut Me out (Naked Version)
[CUETools log; Date: 24.08.2020 9:06:37; Version: 2.1.6]
Padded some input files to a frame boundary.
[CTDB TOCID: 00aqKpZEG6Qabpwakyd6z0F0ksk-] found.
Track | CTDB Status
1 | (1/1) Accurately ripped
2 | (1/1) Accurately ripped
3 | (1/1) Accurately ripped
4 | (1/1) Accurately ripped
5 | (1/1) Accurately ripped
6 | (1/1) Accurately ripped
7 | (1/1) Accurately ripped
8 | (1/1) Accurately ripped
9 | (1/1) Accurately ripped
10 | (1/1) Accurately ripped
11 | (1/1) Accurately ripped
12 | (1/1) Accurately ripped
13 | (1/1) Accurately ripped
[AccurateRip ID: 001bbad3-0117ebb1-b20e1e0d] found.
Track [ CRC | V2 ] Status
01 [a55e6062|ca97fda8] (0+0/1) No match
02 [24d3234e|eda55dcd] (0+0/1) No match
03 [0d25ee84|25780334] (0+0/1) No match
04 [4dab1717|39bdf42a] (0+0/1) No match
05 [de5f27bb|4cb21047] (0+0/1) No match
06 [9b1501b3|0575f8cb] (0+0/1) No match
07 [37f46a00|763a2ba0] (0+0/1) No match
08 [35d2d3c6|15f9df12] (0+0/1) No match
09 [de5cb0b1|53a56e8a] (0+0/1) No match
10 [6f781579|8669b701] (0+0/1) No match
11 [9017135c|5bb64049] (0+0/1) No match
12 [ce32d79e|0ecf6127] (0+0/1) No match
13 [a38ac5c0|2b422de1] (0+0/1) No match
Offsetted by 6:
01 [d31ef746] (0/1) No match (V2 was not tested)
02 [d86dd243] (0/1) No match (V2 was not tested)
03 [d844cf9f] (0/1) No match (V2 was not tested)
04 [b4e7b790] (0/1) No match (V2 was not tested)
05 [5fb74af3] (0/1) No match (V2 was not tested)
06 [c439231f] (0/1) No match (V2 was not tested)
07 [b1f81c55] (0/1) No match (V2 was not tested)
08 [1639d1ba] (0/1) No match (V2 was not tested)
09 [d4459b8f] (0/1) No match (V2 was not tested)
10 [2f26d406] (0/1) No match (V2 was not tested)
11 [b7b505b9] (0/1) No match (V2 was not tested)
12 [a8b550d5] (0/1) No match (V2 was not tested)
13 [876688ba] (0/1) No match (V2 was not tested)
Track Peak [ CRC32 ] [W/O NULL]
-- 98,8 [BB0B1F5D] [167BE33A]
01 98,8 [C5B0CE03] [7936D5D7]
02 98,8 [8079CEFA] [AD1340CF]
03 98,8 [798BAC55] [3D8119E2]
04 98,8 [3DBA0CC6] [F769FB34]
05 98,8 [BCBFBCE1] [7D064CBA]
06 98,8 [3ACBEF45] [F56AC082]
07 98,8 [6A0A4D25] [AC7AA489]
08 98,8 [F57FC6BB] [4834BC7E]
09 98,8 [31E44909] [26A108B4]
10 98,8 [ADB39A0C] [104586F3]
11 98,8 [42383ACE] [943E4D1C]
12 98,8 [60BEDE36] [582B054C]
13 98,8 [52F2E0BD] [BF091C68]
2019 - Opus X - Live in Hamburg [2 Digital Albums]
01. Lament for the Condemned
(7:41)02. Morgana
(4:07)03. Prison
(4:05)04. Sex on Legs
(3:27)05. I.D.G.a.F.
(4:19)06. Die Tomorrow
(3:20)07. Black Lolita
(3:49)08. Dry the Rain
(3:49)09. One Day Everything Will Be Okay
(3:48)10. Credo
(4:32)01. Raining Stars
(7:14)02. Full Metal Whore
(4:03)03. Loreley
(4:06)04. Voodoo Doll
(4:06)05. Forevermore
(4:58)06. Blood for Blood
(4:05)07. Six Feet Underground
(7:08)08. La Bomba
(4:08)09. Trisma
(4:06)10. Drag Me to Hell
[CUETools log; Date: 24.08.2020 8:28:11; Version: 2.1.6]
[CTDB TOCID: ruVUmfPktZWMV831fk.TfdBUHWM-] disk not present in database.
[AccurateRip ID: 00114fb0-0086567d-750a110a] disk not present in database.
Track Peak [ CRC32 ] [W/O NULL]
-- 80,1 [69DD40BE] [A8D43A99]
01 79,9 [1E16A234] [8397B7FF]
02 79,8 [66706D48] [47C5CCED]
03 79,8 [22CFE91F] [A92B6F6C]
04 79,9 [DC92FC99] [4C72030A]
05 79,9 [824D05AC] [F949D548]
06 79,8 [AD3D1F42] [50B32D3A]
07 79,9 [5D8F7982] [50A7281D]
08 79,8 [126BB3E7] [204E47DC]
09 79,8 [0D99A5E9] [7D9BDA8D]
10 80,1 [F411602F] [285C80F9]
2019 - Till Death Us Do Part - Rarities & Remixes [2 Digital Albums]
01. One World No Future
(3:39)02. Death Doesn't Kill You but I Do
(4:09)03. Built to Break
(4:01)04. The Most Radical Thing to Do
(4:09)05. La Bomba (Versión Español)
(4:04)06. Do You Wanna Die Without a Scar
(3:10)07. This War
(3:33)08. When You're Asleep
(3:54)09. Morsal
(5:03)10. Another Sunny Day in Paradise
(3:53)11. Take the Pain Away
(3:26)12. I.D.G.A.F.
(3:11)13. One Day Everything Will Be Okay
(4:14)14. Trisma
(3:42)15. Words of Sadness
(5:22)16. Zillah
(3:35)17. Marching into Sunset
(3:45)18. Love in a Time of War
(6:23)01. Raining Stars (Solar Fake Remix)
(5:22)02. La Bomba (Remixed by Blutengel)
(4:01)03. See You Soon (Svbway To Sally Remix)
(3:52)04. Six Feet Underground (CHROM Remix)
(4:06)05. Die Tomorrow (Staubkind Remix)
(3:26)06. Afterlife of Death (Afterlife Remix by Unzucht)
(2:57)07. Blood for Blood (A Life Divided Club Remix)
(4:42)08. Break Your Heart (Stahlmann Rebuild Mix)
(3:47)09. 666 Feet Underground (Six Feet Underground Remix by Death Valley High)
(3:35)10. Full Metal Whore (Dope Stars Inc. Remix)
(4:14)11. Kill It with Fire (But Kill It Good - Rabia Sorda Version)
(4:09)12. Sex on Legs (Formalin Club Mix)
(3:08)13. Blood for Blood (Ein Walzer Für Klarinette Und Pianoforte by Coppelius)
(3:07)14. La(tin) Bomba (Official Not Exactly Very Dark Remix)
(3:43)15. Die Tomorrow (Swing Tomorrow Version by Rocksin)
(3:22)16. Dry the Rain (Re-Encoded by Michael Jürgens)
(4:24)17. Dry the Rain (Remix by Pcatchu)
(4:25)18. Dry the Rain (Orchestra Version)
[CUETools log; Date: 27.08.2020 21:44:59; Version: 2.1.6]
Padded some input files to a frame boundary.
[CTDB TOCID: Na215BgjSmMMkM.53pPNn7y2eNw-] disk not present in database.
[AccurateRip ID: 002e1b16-0268425e-f5112812] disk not present in database.
Track Peak [ CRC32 ] [W/O NULL]
-- 100,0 [5FDC003D] [32502217]
01 98,8 [93F6A735] [D3242735]
02 98,8 [D67ABAAC] [B49BB7E0]
03 98,8 [AA206CCC] [1DDF7021]
04 98,8 [7083415C] [E9A6FF1B]
05 91,9 [92DE4011] [C8F333AC]
06 98,8 [02F16070] [CA959D22]
07 95,6 [990DFAEA] [BB906313]
08 98,8 [DE079EA1] [8E4CAC3D]
09 98,8 [75BE86F9] [AAF6926E]
10 100,0 [E970EED0] [BBFF63A5]
11 98,8 [D2130CCF] [70671493]
12 98,8 [6D582377] [0A34AA74]
13 98,8 [6856B048] [AE6DED43]
14 98,8 [DDC9039F] [E8DCB01D]
15 98,8 [F4217F53] [FA1EBCB8]
16 98,8 [B98DD9AC] [9411DE38]
17 98,8 [BA32C40C] [B47060C4]
18 96,5 [5D3EC9C8] [9388331F]
2020 - Swan Songs III [Napalm Rec., NPR909DB, 2CD, Replica]
01. A Splintered Mind
(4:44)02. A One Ton Heart
(3:50)03. Dying On the Moon (feat. Joy Frost)
(4:01)04. Zunya
(3:55)05. Unfeel
(3:29)06. Deathless
(4:43)07. Agape
(3:34)08. Hurt Again
(3:36)09. Amber
(4:33)10. We Were Young (feat. HEAVEN CAN WAIT Chor)
(4:14)11. 4 33
(4:33)12. Dying On The Moon (Joyless Version)
(4:02)13. We Were Young (feat. HEAVEN CAN WAIT Chor) (ZDF Version)
(4:13)01. Loreley (Swan Songs III Version)
(3:44)02. Morgana (Swan Songs III Version)
(3:48)03. Black Halo (Swan Songs III Version)
(4:26)04. Cut Me Out (Swan Songs III Version)
(5:41)05. In Silence (Swan Songs III Version)
(3:53)06. Seven Days Of Anavrin (Swan Songs III Version)
(5:04)07. My Heart Is Black (Swan Songs III Version)
(5:38)08. Letters To Home (Swan Songs III Version)
Exact Audio Copy V1.5 from 20. February 2020
EAC extraction logfile from 21. August 2020, 22:41
Lord Of The Lost / Swan Songs III
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B3ST Adapter: 2 ID: 0
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Installed external ASPI interface
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files (x86)\Exact Audio Copy\FLAC\FLAC.EXE
Additional command line options : -V -8 -T "Date=%year%" -T "Genre=%genre%" -T"COMMENT=CDRip for me-4u.com" -8 -V %source%
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 4:44.03 | 0 | 21302
2 | 4:44.03 | 3:50.32 | 21303 | 38584
3 | 8:34.35 | 4:00.47 | 38585 | 56631
4 | 12:35.07 | 3:54.61 | 56632 | 74242
5 | 16:29.68 | 3:29.25 | 74243 | 89942
6 | 19:59.18 | 4:43.27 | 89943 | 111194
7 | 24:42.45 | 3:34.00 | 111195 | 127244
8 | 28:16.45 | 3:35.53 | 127245 | 143422
9 | 31:52.23 | 4:32.51 | 143423 | 163873
10 | 36:24.74 | 4:13.39 | 163874 | 182887
11 | 40:38.38 | 4:33.28 | 182888 | 203390
12 | 45:11.66 | 4:02.30 | 203391 | 221570
13 | 49:14.21 | 4:13.00 | 221571 | 240545
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename C:\CDRip for me-4u.com\Lord Of The Lost - Swan Songs III.wav
Peak level 97.7 %
Extraction speed 6.1 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC 8CC2628E
Copy CRC 8CC2628E
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 not present in database
Track 2 not present in database
Track 3 not present in database
Track 4 not present in database
Track 5 not present in database
Track 6 not present in database
Track 7 not present in database
Track 8 not present in database
Track 9 not present in database
Track 10 not present in database
Track 11 not present in database
Track 12 not present in database
Track 13 not present in database
None of the tracks are present in the AccurateRip database
End of status report
---- CUETools DB Plugin V2.1.6
[CTDB TOCID: KwnMHmWyjhbtjkYUJSxIKMm2HyU-] found
Submit result: KwnMHmWyjhbtjkYUJSxIKMm2HyU- has been confirmed
Track | CTDB Status
1 | (20/20) Accurately ripped
2 | (20/20) Accurately ripped
3 | (20/20) Accurately ripped
4 | (20/20) Accurately ripped
5 | (20/20) Accurately ripped
6 | (20/20) Accurately ripped
7 | (20/20) Accurately ripped
8 | (20/20) Accurately ripped
9 | (20/20) Accurately ripped
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11 | (20/20) Accurately ripped
12 | (20/20) Accurately ripped
13 | (20/20) Accurately ripped
==== Log checksum 7C458DB9A82D114C2E7CF49F85B61F9089D152FDAEC127C46D0478CF8C80C8D3 ====